Tsuhara Kirisato
Rigging Commission Card

Commission status : Open

Hello nyan~ Tsuhara Kirisato here!I am a neko vtuber from Malaysia and still an
Amateur Live2d Rigger. You can call me Kiri.
Right now I am opening a scuffed Live2d Rigging Commission.I am still learning to become a better live2d rigger,
it been my 2nd month(from june to august) of learning and doing them.
I had been rigging over 5 people including my own model right nowif you are interested in my rigging.please do contact me okay >w</

Example of bust Rigging

Example of halfbody Rigging

Example of Full Body Rigging

Example of Looping Gif Rigging

Rigging TypeHead AngleBody AngleMouth RiggingPrice
BustX Y Z Full Head MovementSlight X Body movement till bustFull Vowel Mouth$150 / Myr 300
Half BodyX Y Z Full head MovementX Y Z Body movement till hipsFull Vowel Mouth$250 / Myr 600
Full BodyX Y Z Full MovementFull X Y Z Body Movement including legsFull Vowel Mouth$350 / Myr 800
ChibiX Y Z Full MovementFull X Y Z Body MovementtFull Vowel Mouth$150 - $250/ Myr200 - Myr300
Animation Looping RigDepend on the rigging requestDepend on the rigging requestDepend on the rigging request$80-100 / Myr 200-280

Basic Expression RM20/15usd. handpose/moving expression RM35/30usd. Animated pose/hairstyle change RM55/50usd
You need to pay some deposit before i start your work

Estimated Deadline for my work :I may finish my work early but just to be safe
I will ask for minimum of 2 months or more for the deadline
unless I finish your commission early on my own
there will be extra cost for anyone asking for me to do a rush work
Pricing for expression :
2-3 Expression free depending on difficulty
extra $15 per expression toggle$30 for animated expression
(no physic/just simple breathing movement for the expression)
$50 for Hand pose toggle/Hair change toggle
(include physic of the hand or hair to the toggle)
$80 for Animated movement.All prices are in USD for International and MYR for Malaysian(You can discuss me about banking detail)I can save a slot for your commission without deposit.Payment international can be done via Ko-fi or Paypal.All price are subject to change, i can lower and increase the price If I found it too difficult for me to finish

NameRigging TypePayment statusModel statusSocial media link
1. Mobula(1st half body / 2nd Full body)Fully paid100% finish (model sent)https://twitter.com/MobulaF
2. kakak mobulaFull bodyFully paid100% finish (model sent)https://twitter.com/MobulaF
  • No deposit refunds when my progress are over 30% if you want to cancel the commission.

  • If I feel I cannot do justice for your character, I can turn down your commission.

  • Please tell me if you are going to sell your model with the rigging included there no charge on streaming usage, unless you planning to sell the model as premade or rebranding

  • I can sell you the CMO3 file but it 100% of the tier base price

  • I'm allowed to stream/show the rigging process to my social media(Please mention to me if you want to make it a secret, I will only publish after your debut)

Please email me at
[email protected]